Kemptown Project x Redroaster Coffee Roasters

 Kemptown Project x Redroaster Coffee Roasters

Redroaster Coffee Roasters Kemptown Project

As this is our first ever GUSTAStory, we thought give you a little introduction as to what these are all about. All of the brands that are part of the GUSTATORY portfolio have a story to tell and are so much more than the products they produce. This feature is designed to bring those stories to life and to shed light on the incredible work being done in communities around the world. Let us begin.

In the beginning, there was time… Nah, we can skip all that. But not too long after that, in the early 2000s, a roaster was born. A Redroaster. Now a stalwart of the Brighton coffee scene and working as part of the environmentally-responsible hospitality group, Kemptown Project, the team at Redroaster Coffee Roasters have worked hard to improve their impact over the years both at home in the UK and further afield.

The School In Musenyi Of The Kemptown Project

Beginning in 2016, the Kemptown Project set about the construction of additional classrooms for the school in Musenyi which has been completed and provides education to over 200 children in the local area, reducing the need for them to travel long distances and stay away from their families. Working together with the charity New Beginnings, the construction of the school was part of a wider initiative that aimed to bring safe water, a community area, farm equipment and training to the local community.

With Redroaster Coffee Roasters continually donating a percentage of their profits, the project has now been extended to raise money for a health post with the capability of helping 900 patients a month. Construction has now begun, and once all these infrastructure projects are completed, Musenyi will then hopefully near self-sufficiency – great work, guys.

Of course, with all these projects, the aim is to always empower the community to be self-sufficient, an element that was of paramount importance to the team at Kemptown Project. Help support this cause and discover Redroaster Coffee Roasters coffees - all purchases contribute monies towards the general funding that is made available to Musenyi.

The Kemptown Project by Redroaster Coffee Roasters
The Kemptown Project by Redroaster Coffee Roasters

The School In Musenyi Of The Kemptown Project

GUSTATORY (adjective): curating excellence in taste.

GUSTATORY Curation TeamJune 12, 2019