Heyday is a sparkling maté soda, brewed from the caffeine-rich, South American yerba maté plant. The founders launched Heyday after first coming across maté after spending time in California and Berlin, where sodas based on the South American maté tea are hugely popular. They became hooked on the unique smoky taste and the smooth caffeine lift that didn't give us the jitters or a crash like other caffeinated drinks.
Once back in the UK, the founders missed maté so much and couldn't get their hands on a good maté soda with a true maté taste, so they started thinking about making our own. The recipe of Heyday was developed over several months, trying tons of the best maté origins, tweaking and fine tuning the taste until they had a delicate, balanced soda without any artificial ingredients. Before long, they were brewing the first batches out of a friend's craft brewery. Fast forward a few months, and thousands of people have enjoyed Heyday Maté!
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