CRU Kafe
CRU Kafe all started when their co-founder saw a friend filling her old Nespresso® capsules with her favourite speciality coffee. For her, it was a lightbulb moment – the technology was there, but the coffee on offer just wasn’t up to scratch. So after teaming up with others, CRU Kafe was born - and they've been making great tasting, organic, ethical coffee ever since.
Since CRU Kafe launched with their first ever coffee capsule back in 2013, they've only ever used certified organic coffee, and they always will. Unlike non-organic coffee production that makes wide use of manufactured chemicals and pesticides, organic coffee is produced with natural, certified fertilisers which not only use less energy but leaves much less of a footprint on the communities that use them. CRU Kafe make sure that everyone who has a part to play in their coffee gets the treatment they deserve - and buying organic is an important part of that process.
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The coffee industry is in crisis. Informed purchases are needed
Make their commitment your commitment. Support independent coffee roasters and you’ll be making a difference before you even have your first cup of coffee.