Best Of
250g RRP: £16.50-22.00
Experimental Tim Wendelboe Wholebeans Coffee
Example | Tim Wendelboe (NO)
Coffee Subscription DAK Excellence Coffee
Example | DAK (NL)
Coffee Subscription Sweven Competition Coffee
Example | Sweven (UK)
Coffee Subscription Corvus Premium Coffee
Example | Corvus (US)

PREMIUM Coffee Subscription

Features' RRP: £16.50-22.00 (250g)
You're in control of your coffee subscription, easily amend, skip a month, pause or cancel anytime
Wholebeans only. For pre-ground, please select another
250g mostly. Size may occasionally be less than 250g
Filter (e.g. Cafetiere / V60 / Aeropress etc) only. For espresso, we recommend Plus 87
If subscribing to more than one coffee, each will be unique and from a different roaster. We make best attempt that all coffees match your flavour preferences. To setup, login to Manage Your Subscription after subscribing

About PREMIUM Coffees

According to the Speciality Coffee Association (SCA), speciality coffees scoring between 85 to 100 are classed as 'outstanding'. Our fan-favourite Plus 87 and Rest Of World coffee subscriptions provide only those coffees of this particularly high score, over 87.

Too, 'Competition', 'Limited Edition', 'Micro-lots', 'Premium Variety', all are words used to describe the very best of speciality coffees. Our limited edition Stories go one further than our coffee subscriptions, offering a coffee tasting experience of one-off special guest coffees, complete with experience booklets.

Introducing PREMIUM. Sitting somewhere in-between all three, PREMIUM features coffees of particularly noteworthy processing methods or varietals that, for those that *really* like coffee, are well worth the extra few pounds. The nature of PREMIUM's featuring coffees will vary, and we include coffees that might be either funkier, more complex, smaller lot, more uncommon or unique than those in Plus 87 or Rest of World. That is, whilst still matching your account's flavour and processing preferences.

PREMIUM's bag sizes may also vary from 125g - 250g, though we make best attempt to feature 250g most regularly. Only available for filter brewing methods, PREMIUM is recommended more for those that prefer naturally processed coffees.

Outstanding Coffees, All 87+/100 (SCA Score), Often 89+/100
Coffees Classed 'Outstanding' (Graded 87-92/100 (SCA Score))
 Europe's Most Acclaimed Roasters (No UK) Feature Each Month
UK's, USA's & Europe's Most Acclaimed Roasters (past roasters)
Roasters Dedicated To Sustainability And Supply Chain Ethics
Roasters Dedicated To Sustainability & Ethics
Recommended For Filter Brewing Methods Only
For Filter Brewing Methods Only, No Espresso Option
Available As Wholebeans Coffee Only, No Pre-Ground Option
Available As Wholebeans Coffee Only, No Pre-Ground Option
scroll for more
First month? Upcoming Roasters  |  What's Included Different roasters each month - view our announcements for next month's info
Enjoy Better Coffee
Chocolates And Sugars Flavours / Notes
Chocolate & SugarsChoc & Sugars
Nuts And Spice Flavours / Notes
Nuts & Spice
Citrus And Floral Flavours / Notes
Citrus & Floral
Fruity Flavours / Notes
Processing Method
Prefer Washed
Only Natural
Personalise your subscription from within your account. Choose between our four flavour note groups and processing methods. Or, if you simply like great coffee and happy to try anything, select no preferences. New to coffee? Washed coffees tend to be more consistent and 'coffee' tasting whilst natural processed coffees are often fruitier and more experimental.
Featuring Cup Scores (SCA) /100
60-80 (Not Speciality) 81-82 83-84 85-86
87-88 89-90 91-92 93-100
According to Speciality Coffee Association (SCA), coffees scoring 85-100 are classed as 'outstanding' whilst those less than 80 aren't speciality. GUSTATORY curates the best of coffee roasters to ensure you receive speciality coffees worth trying, and unlike others, wouldn't ever supply 81-82 scoring coffees... you know, high enough to be advertised as 'speciality', low enough for cost savings - *sigh*. For us, transparency into pricing and quality is key, and for our value option, try PERCENT.

Drink hot chocolate, chai lattes or oat m*lk? Enjoy Islands, Pamban and (un)ordinary with your coffee subscription

Hot Choc / Chai / Oat M*lk
Unordinary Oat Milk Subscription
Coffee Subscription Benefits & Info
Freshly Roasted Coffee All of our UK and international coffee subscription's featuring roasters' coffees are roasted fresh to order and shipped to us toward the end of every month ahead of the next turn of the month dispatch period. All subscribers are dispatched at the start of every month irrespective of payment cycles. Tasting Notes All our coffee's tasting notes and stories are published online. View archived months. Also Included Personal curation card, roaster's own coffee info cards (when supplied) and occasional complimentary drinks. As a warm welcome, also enjoy a complimentary 250g coffee bag in your first delivery. Price Savings We recommend 7-9g/15g for a single/double shot espresso and 14-19g for 250ml filter methods (brew guides). For the price of 2 or 3 cafe coffees you're able to achieve 15 to 35 cups per 250g bag depending on brew method and strength preferences. Enjoy all our savings on RRP prices, and with dispatches made from GUSTATORY (UK), rest assured, there are also no international roaster import fees for UK residents. Rest Period We always recommend that coffees are 'rested' between their roast date and first consumption to allow the coffee to 'degas', making brewing easier and your cup tastier. Such a 'rest period' will take place during your coffee's journey from it's speciality roaster to you, and so, whether our curated special guest coffee roaster is located in London, Edinburgh, Budapest or Copenhagen, even New York or California, your delivered coffee will be ready to be enjoyed.
Shipping & Costs
Fulfilled By GUSTATORY All GUSTATORY coffee subscriptions are fulfilled by us. If you subscribe to multiple subscriptions, your coffees and/or (Un)ordinary oat m*lk will be consolidated.
Quick UK & Cheap International Shipping All UK deliveries are sent via Royal Mail with 99% of deliveries arriving within 48 hours, many even 24 hours (postcode depending) - you're also able to enter a designated Safeplace during checkout to aid deliverability. International shipping to Europe starts from £7.00, Rest of World: £10.00. Custom fees may apply at the time of import to your destination country, but many countries do have customs-free value thresholds on parcels sent from UK (for example, Australia / USA) and our subscriptions may easily fall under these. Please do check with your local customs.

A home-brewed quality coffee is far less expensive than cafes

Issue: With the continuing economic uncertainty that COVID and the cost-of-living crisis brings, many are tightening the purse strings and choosing cheaper alternatives. However...For more: Comunicaffe International
...Whilst the purse strings may need to tighten, a better quality home-brewed coffee or tea is still far less expensive than buying individual drinks on the go. Over the last few years, many have taken the opportunity to improve their home brewing skills, and now with the equipment and know-how to recreate that authentic coffee shop experience from home, are enjoying cheaper quality coffees. With cafe coffees costing anything from £2.50-4.00 each, and with a bag of 250g quality coffee costing between £7.00-12.50 and providing you with enough to achieve up to 15-35 brews per bag (depending on brew method and strength preferences), the savings and better quality coffee are both there to be enjoyed.

If this isn't you, there really is no better time to start, and better yet, at GUSTATORY you’ll find plenty of affordable coffee subscription packages. It also won't be long until you discover a new favourite. All coffees are roasted fresh for us as part of our monthly subscription delivery schedules.