Tasting Notes: February 2023 Coffees

 Tasting Notes: February 2023 Coffees

Drip The Barn Hasbean Langora Tasting Notes

A micro roastery founded in Bern, Switzerland, Drip roastersfollow a roast philosophy which highlights the aromas specific to certain regions and varieties, achieving this by adapting their roast profiles and roasting light. Founded in mid-2018 by brothers Dennys and Fabian Schmid, quality and sustainability are important to both. Following a set of values, Drip consider sustainable production and processing, as well as fair and as direct trade as possible a basic responsibility. The cost Drip pay for their green coffee is always higher - often drastically - than the Fairtrade minimum cost. With coffee an unbelievably complex and exciting topic, which offers endless facts, tricks and secrets to be discovered, Drip hope you share their same enthusiasm whilst enjoying your coffee.

Drip Coffees  |  Switzerland

Coffee Story Notes & Essentials Packages
Ngurueri, Kenya The Ngurueri Factory was built in the late 1970s on the southeastern slopes of Mounty Kenya to serve as a processing plant for farmers from Ngurueri, Kavutiri and Kianjokoma. The Murue Farmers Cooperative Society (Murue FCS), to which the factory belongs, supports its members with training, documentation and consulting and is well-known for producing excellent coffees. About 25 people work at the factory during harvest, three of them are permanent employees who work there year-round.

When purchasing coffee from Kenya, Vava Coffee, a certified B Corp founded by Vava Angwenyi in 2008, is usually our partner of choice. We also purchased this coffee through Vava. The social enterprise is committed to contributing to better future prospects for both local communities and the coffee industry as a whole. Vava Coffee’s vision is to challenge the status quo and promote positive social and economic disruption within the coffee industry. Thanks to Vava's passion, many coffee farmers are able to earn their income in a sustainable way.
Lavender, red currant and apple

Altitude: 1760 masl, Process: washed
Plus 87
Maputo 2, Ecuador Maputo has nothing to do with Ecuador – it is the capital of Mozambique, where Henry, who runs the farm along with his wife Verena, had lived for several years. For that reason, the couple had decided to name their farm after that city. Maputo 2 is the second coffee we have bought from Verena and Henry. This time, we had to make a tough pick between more than 10 different lots from their farm that varied in taste due to their different varieties and processes. We were really taken by their honey-processed coffees and since a coffee of this flavor profile has not been in our offering in a while, we decided to go for it.

Even though the altitude of 1300 masl does not seem very high, the region of La Perla in the Pichincha province offers a special microclimate that leads to higher humidity and cool temperatures at night. This helps the region's coffee to reach its outstanding quality.
Mirabelle, lemon and honey

Altitude: 1300 masl, Process: honey
Plus 87, Rest of World, Single / Light
T'xayalaj, Guatemala T'xayalaj is the name of the farm Maria Perez Morales and her husband Diego bought about thirteen years ago to grow coffee. Maria mostly runs the farm herself and with the support of her family, her husband often works abroad. Her children have developed an interest in coffee, too, and care about their land. It's likely they will take over the farm when the time comes.

Maria has learned a lot about producing coffee since she bought the farm and has gained a good portion of experience since. Thanks to her hard work and will, she was able to produce a high-quality specialty coffee for the second consecutive year. The farm is quite small and doesn't have a lot of trees, Maria only produced about 13 bags of coffee (69kg each) this harvest. We were able to buy four bags and thus almost a third of the whole harvest.
Chocolate, wild berries, caramel

Altitude: 1660-1725 masl, Process: washed
Plus 87, Selected Mix
Worka, Ethiopia We have already purchased several coffees grown in the infamous Yirgacheffe region. The Gedeo people, who live in parts of this region in the south of Ethiopia, have long been linked to coffee, which has been growing there since the beginning of time. The Worka Cooperative, despite its young age, already gained a lot of respect and attention among coffee roasters and consumers. The cooperative was founded in 2006 after the foundation of the Gedeb District, which was split off Kochere by the government. After that, the Worka washing station was established.

The cooperative has been part of the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU) since 2010. The YCFCU acts as a trader for its member cooperatives and takes care of sales and marketing. It further invests in the community through building a school and bridges to link isolated areas and organizes workshops and meetings for its members. All cooperatives that are part of the YCFCU are located in the Gedeo Zone in southern Ethiopia.

This harvest's flavor profile is very similar to the previous. Of course, no coffee is ever the same harvested in different years – due to, for example, small differences in harvest area and especially climate, the coffee never tastes the same. We can call ourselves lucky being able to have sourced this coffee for the second time.
Pineapple, black cherry and lemon

Altitude: 1600 masl, Process: natural
Plus 87, Single / Light

After spending a number of years in Japan and the UK, Ralf Rueller founded The Barn back in 2010. He pioneered specialty coffee in an uncompromising way in Germany by focusing on the product, farm relationships, roasting and sharing knowledge that he leart along the way. Such factors helped The Barn establish their international reputation for quality and earned them the accolade for the best independent roaster in Europe and the Middle East.

The pedigree that The Barn holds goes without saying, and they are one of a number roasters who have a policy of not working with external multi-roaster subscription services. That is, except with GUSTATORY. Now their third time featuring, you're in for another treat....

The Barn Coffees  |  Germany

Coffee Story Notes & Essentials Packages
Huye Mountain, Rwanda Coming soon. Milk chocolate, raisin and winter spice

Process: washed
Selected Mix, Plus 87, Light / Single
Mahembe, Rwanda This exceptional coffee is a cornerstone of our Rwandan collection. We have been working with Justin Musabyimana for more than 8 years - visiting the farm and seeing his dedication on many occasions - and every season we are excited to taste Mahembe once again.

Mahembe benefits from a unique location: near the emerald waters of Lake Kivu - one of Africa’s great lakes - the area's rich volcanic soil supports dense forest that is alive with wildlife, including huge populations of bats. With the microclimate created by lake and forest, warm mornings and days make way for cooler evenings. The lake creates periodical rain while simultaneously absorbing heat in the afternoon.

Our close relationship with Justin Musabyimana allows us to secure his best lots every season. Whenever we visit Mahembe, what strikes us most is the community feel and positive energy, which naturally comes from the top. Rwanda has a long history of coffee production but has only recently seen improvements in processing quality – with the Western Province producing some of the best. Justin grew up around returned home after the genocide in 1994 and set to work reviving his family’s coffee farm to help bring stability and economic opportunities to the region.

Alongside 11,000 of his own trees, Justin also works with local farmers, who deliver their own cherries to the Mahembe washing station. Payment to farmers includes health insurance, school fees and livestock. Thanks to his strong focus on quality and community building, 75% of what Justin produces is now A1 grade, and Mahembe always features in Cup of Excellence competitions.
Cherry, cocoa and nutmeg

Altitude: 1700 - 1900 masl, Process: washed
Plus 87
Giakanja AB, Kenya For our third release from the Giakanja cooperative we are bringing you this elegant and adaptable espresso: the depth of AB grade beans showing prominent fruit and delicious complexity.

On the volcanic land between Mount Kenya and the Aberdare mountain range, 1450 small farmers produce coffee for the Giakanja washing station. Nyeri is considered to be one of the best coffee growing regions in Kenya. Farms of the Giakanja Farmers Cooperative are small, averaging between just 250 to 350 trees of the SL28 and SL34 varietals. The high altitudes of the region allows coffee cherries to slowly mature and fully absorb the nutrients of the rich, volcanic soil. With two rainy seasons, the Cooperative benefits from two harvests per year.

Recently, farmers have received agronomic support from our export partners Sucafina Kenya to help maximise the standard of their coffee and the economic sustainability of their farms. With better access to soil quality information through the use of more modern technology and agronomical assistance, both tree health and cherry quality is improved. Farmers can reduce their reliance on additional fertiliser, while still improving yields and delivering the coffee quality that the washing stations prize.
Blackberry, vanilla and bold

Altitude: 1750 masl, Process: washed
Selected Mix, Single / Light, Plus 87, Rest of World
Gedeb, Ethiopia High up on a lush, green plateau, Yirgacheffe shows off the very best of Ethiopian terroir. Our second release from the Chelchele Estate is a naturally processed lot bursting with clean, juicy flavour.

Chelchele Estate was established in 2013 on 30 hectares of land in the Yirgacheffe appellation; known for its high-quality coffees. More than 2,000 farmers that live in and around the village of Halo Beriti deliver their best cherries to the station.

Metad was founded by Aman Adinew whose grandparents were already coffee producers and traders. Before Metad, Aman was President of the ECX (Ethiopia Commodity Exchange). Aware of the potential shortcomings of the Ethiopian coffee sector, they have chosen to promote remarkable coffees while focusing on traceability, ensuring better recognition of the products of their region.

Chelchele is certified organic and Metad has introduced a range of practices to reduce their environmental impact. During processing, steps have been taken to ensure efficient wastewater disposal. On the farm, traditional beekeeping is used to ensure pollination and the planting of mixed crops helps promote biodiversity and maximises land use.
Blueberry and lemon

Altitude: 1700 - 2000 masl, Process: natural
Single / Light, Plus 87, Rest of World
Los Chorros, Honduras In 2017 Los Chorros completely changed our perception of coffee from Honduras: with a beautifully clean profile and delicately balanced sweetness and acidity, this is one to enjoy all day.

Across a 22 hectare farm, Roman Flores tends to 16 hectares of coffee plants, including the Lempira beans we are bringing you this season. Roman grew up on his parents coffee plantation, surrounded by coffee from a young age. When he and his wife inherited the land they decided to move back to the mountains and devote themselves to making the best of the land.

Having spent three years working in the USA, Roman was able to provide enough investment to focus on quality speciality production and their coffee has been improving ever since. With their dream to export to countries across the world, it was a pleasure to taste the results of all their hard work.

Coffee from Honduras can be amazing when they are from the right places and are processed well. They often have more complexity, depth and richness than other Central American coffees. Many specialty coffee buyers in Honduras are focused in and around the region of Santa Barbara. The region of Intibuca, however, is also very special and it stands out with delicious coffees, and enormous potential to produce more if producers can find a market. We know we will be working with Roman for many seasons to come.
Grapes and cacao

Altitude: 1800 masl, Process: washed
Plus 87
Tabe Burka, Ethiopia Tabe Burka is located on the border of Shakisso, near Dambi Uddo, where the coffee culture is as ancient as the land. Refined and fruity, the elegant character of this coffee will awaken the palate with bold notes of stone fruit.

The Tabe Burka washing station was built in 2008 by Guji-native Tadesse Edema, near the town of Suke Waragata. As well as his pioneering work in coffee, Tadesse is a community leader who has built schools and roads in the region. Now managing the Barkuma Coffee Export company in Addis Ababa, day to day operations at the washing station are looked after by his brother, Dembelash.

The fertile lands of the Ethiopian highlands here support a polyculture agricultural system which allows farmers to combine food crops and coffee on their same plots. False banana trees ("enset") are an important piece in the agrarian systems. This tree whose root, pounded, is the basis of the diet of this region, has important nutritional qualities.
Peach, jasmine and juicy

Altitude: 1850 masl, Process: washed
Single / Light, Plus 87
Full Bloom, Brazil For this beautiful coffee, innovative producer Daterra has put their unique spin on the natural process, bringing out a complex and fruity character rarely found in Brazil.

Daterra are pioneers in their field: committed to pushing the boundaries in coffee production, with a dedicated approach to both quality and sustainability. They were the first Rainforest Alliance certified coffee farm in Brazil and together we have embarked on a Tree Planting programme to help mitigate the effects of climate change. Today, Daterra is officially climate positive and continues to experiment in both farming and processing.

We have long featured their masterpiece lots in our low-caffeine program, and are excited to once again showcase this beautiful Yellow Catuai in our filter collection.
Pecan and caramel

Altitude: 1150 masl, Process: natural
Blend / Darker, PERCENT
Aromas Del Valle, Peru The beautiful city of Cajamarca is nestled high up in the Andes, in a region once home to the Incas. The surrounding highlands offer the perfect environment for growing great coffee and the Aromas del Valle cooperative has made it their mission to showcase it.

Cooperativa Agraria Aromas del Valle is a farming cooperative focused on producing the finest Peruvian coffee. With 283 producers, farms are normally around 1-3 hectares and family-run. Despite the ideal natural environment, in the past many smaller coffee producers in Peru lacked the infrastructure to make the most of their terroir. Aromas del Valle is on a mission to change that: They offer technical support and create economic sustainability by introducing higher standards, whilst giving access to the international speciality market. Being part of Aromas del Valle, farmers are able to invest in their production and create microlots or improved community blends.

The cooperative is committed to the environment: respecting the harmony of ecosystems and maintaining organic farming techniques from generation to generation. Projects are in place that transition the coffee value chain to a more sustainable model to benefit the coffee producers. Quality improvements are made through technical assistance, organic fertilisation, post-harvest training and supply chain infrastructure.
Mandarin and shortbread

Altitude: 1500 - 2100 masl, Process: washed
Plus 87

Based at Hjelseng Farm in Stjordal, Norway, Langora coffee roasters are a new feature for GUSTATORY. With 'proper' Scandinavian coffees known worldwide for their light roast approach, expect the same from Langora.

Exclusively selecting and purchasing traceable specialty coffees, in season, with characteristic flavor profiles that excite their team, the quality of coffee depends on factors such as region, terroir, variety and processing. Through their Scandinavian roasting process, Langora want to highlight these characteristics so that the natural flavours and aromas are preserved.

Langora Coffees  |  Norway

Coffee Story Notes & Essentials Packages
Gatagua AA, Kenya Coffee from Gatagua Factory is in high demand, and for good reason. The cup profile epitomizes everything we love about Kenyan coffees. Gatagua Factory is run by Gatagua Farmers Cooperative Society (FCS). Over 650 members deliver cherry to the station. Members of Gatagua FCS cultivate coffee at 1,600 to 1,800 meters above sea level and Gatagua Factory takes every action to preserve the exceptional quality of the cherry delivered by their members.

With help from Sucafina/Kahawa Bora, Gatagua provides training to farmers in improved pruning, cultivation and harvesting methods. Kahawa Bora’s field staff have also performed soil analysis on member’s plots to inform correct input application, which helps improve yields and quality while reducing cost and environmental impact. This focus on high quality at all stages of cultivation and processing has increased cup scores from 85 to 87-88+ in a short period of time.

Smallholders selectively handpick only ripe cherry and deliver it to Gatagua Factory. At intake, the Cherry Clerk oversees meticulous visual sorting and floating, accepting only dense, ripe cherry.

After intake, cherry is pulped and fermented for approximately 48 hours. Following fermentation, coffee is washed clean water and soaked for 12 hours. Then, parchment is laid to dry on raised beds. Workers rake parchment frequently to ensure even drying. They cover drying parchment during the hottest time of day, to maintain slow, even drying and at night, to shelter parchment from moisture. It takes approximately 14 to 21 days for parchment to dry.
Blackcurrant, raspberry and citrus

Altitude: 1700 - 1800 masl, Process: washed
Plus 87, Rest of World, Single / Light, Selected Mix
Castanha, Brasil Region: Minas Gerais. Hazelnuts, chocolate and caramel

Process: dried natural
Plus 87, Rest of World, Single / Light, Selected Mix
El Durazno, Honduras Francisco's farm, El Durazno, is at 1700 masl. It is truly a family effort to harvest, process and produce the great coffee we have seen from Francisco for the fourth year now. Francisco, his wife and their two children are all involved! He has owned the farm for 13 years and has worked to make improvements through planting exceptional varieties, and taking care in the pulping and drying of his coffee.

Coffees from Honduras can be so amazing when they are from the right places and are processed well. They often have more complexity, depth and richness than other Central American coffees. Many specialty coffee buyers in Honduras are focused in and around the department (state) of Santa Barbara. We were hoping to expand our offering from Honduras, and decided to look at other regions to see what potential we could find. Intibuca stood out as a department with delicious coffees, and enormous potential to produce more if producers could find a market.

We have recently partnered with a group of 60 producers in the community of Pozo Negro, located in the municipality of Masaguara in Intibuca. These producers have organised themselves into a group who come together to learn and share knowledge. They elect a chairman every year who, for several years running, has been Wilmer Alexis Grau Montoya. As Joanne met with this group and heard from the producers themselves, their shared respect for Wilmer was clear. They hold regular meetings, to organize themselves and their production and to support each other in improving the quality of their coffee.
Peach, floral, brown sugar and chocolate finish

Altitude: 1700 masl, Process: natural
Selected Mix, Plus 87
Don Senel, Costa Rica Don Senel Micromill was founded by Senel Campos in 2014 as a response to poor coffee prices at the time. In his first year, Don Senel processed 300 kg of coffee from Finca La Toboba, fitting a motor from a washing machine to an old hand pulper and using the basic infrastructure already in place at the mill. This first lot scored well, and during the next harvest Senel would purchase and process as much coffee as possible in order to earn the money needed to buy new equipment, improve the drying areas, and to invest in purchasing land with good conditions for cultivating new varieties known for their complex and high quality cup profiles.

This lot of Villa Sarchi underwent Anaerobic Natural processing at Don Senel Micromill. After harvest, cherries are sorted via a destoner and a floatation system to remove debris and defective cherries. The sorted cherries are then pre-dried on raised beds for 72 hours until reaching an average of 25–28 degrees Brix. The pre-dried coffee is then deposited into sealed fermentation tanks where it is fermented in an anaerobic environment. This fermentation is monitored daily through pH measurements, and fermentation is halted only once the cherries reach the optimal pH level. Fermented cherries are then taken to greenhouses where they are dried for 35–40 days to reach 10% humidity. The dried cherries are then rested for at least two months in the mill’s warehouse before being milled and prepared for export.
Raspberry, lime and cherry

Altitude: 1800 masl, Process: natural
Plus 87
Boledu Aricha, Ethiopia Coming soon. Floral, clean, juicy, tropical fruits, black tea and jasmine.

Process: washed
Plus 87
Naginzole, Uganda This is just the first year of production for the Bulambuli washing station, being built only last year it’s an exciting time for us to get involved in a new project. This coffee comes as a result of a three-way collaboration between a local land owner/entrepreneur (Ben Mukhone), local exporter and 2 coffee importers. One of the main aims for this was to produce coffees that are fully traceable.

The coffee that supplies this washing station comes from small hold farmers with less than 1 hectare of farm land, on average a hectare will be room for fewer than 1500 trees with each tree producing between 150 and 200g of green coffee. Mills like this are integral in supporting those small hold farmers with fair prices for their green coffee.

This particular lot is a blend of SL28, SL14 and SL34 varietals that we commonly see in neighbouring Kenya. Kenyan coffees are typically washed but here the coffee has been processed as a natural and it is exciting to see how it changes the flavour. The coffee is moved between being under the shade and out in the sun but is covered during the hottest hours of the day. This creates a slow and homogeneous drying process which adds to the quality of the coffee, this drying process takes between 15 and 20 days.
Blueberry, clove and vermouth

Altitude: 1950 masl, Process: natural
Selected Mix, Single / Light

Unapologetically obsessed with coffee and the range of flavours that speciality coffee can offer, Hasbean are a long-standing figurehead of UK's speciality coffee industry. With a very highly experienced coffee team who travel the world in search of the best coffee on the planet, Hasbean source from world-class producers who are paving the way for more sustainable and ethical coffee production.

Hasbean Coffees  |  UK

Coffee Story Notes & Essentials Packages
22.094 Ana Sora, Ethiopia Israel Degfa grew up immersed in various aspects of the coffee industry as his father was a mill manager and his mum sold coffee to commuters in the local bus station. Because he grew up in a coffee producing area, he shows great respect for the farmers, both as business partners and as people. As coffee farms go, Ana Sora is a very new farm: it was only formed in 2013. Coffee trees take an average 2-3 years to produce a crop of cherries that's big enough to sell, so we started buying soon after it first went on the market. It's located at a whopping altitude of between 1,900 and 2,350 metres above sea level. It's a gorgeous but somewhat tiring walk to get there.

His Ana Sora estate is located in the Guji Zone in the South of Ethiopia, due East of the town of Yirgacheffe. It’s western neighbour is Uraga and to the East is Adola - both places where Israel owns mills as well. Broadly speaking there are 5 primary coffee producing regions in Ethiopia; Sidamo, Limu, Yirgacheffe (a subsection of Sidamo), Harrar, and Djima – each presenting characteristic flavour profiles. Guji coffees have historically been sold as Sidamo coffees, but today they are thought of as separate and are being more properly marketed as such. The local area is known for coffees with bright acidity and juicy, fruity flavours, often with a tea-like body. It is unusual to find private farms of 250 hectares in Ethiopia (the norm being smallholder gardens of less than 2 hectares each) and even more unusual to find them at such high altitudes. Ethiopian coffee farms are high in general compared to other producing countries (mostly between 1,700 - 2,100 masl) but Ana Sora is on the higher side still, reaching as high as 2,350 masl. The altitude helps with the slower maturation of the coffee cherry, with temperatures averaging between 16-19ºC allowing more time for the plant to develop, which contributes to the super unique cup profile.
Honeysuckle, raspberry, orange and malty

Altitude: 1900–2350 masl, Process: washed
Plus 87, Single / Light, Selected Mix
22.091 Los Mangos, El Salvador Finca Argentina is a beautiful farm surrounded by natural hot springs in the Apaneca-Ilamtepec mountain range. Our friend Alejandro “Ale” Martinez owns the farm with his father Mauricio, who inherited the land and several coffee farms from his own father in 2008.

Ale joined his father’s business after relocating to El Salvador from New York. With his son on the way, he wanted a different life closer to family and began helping his father’s business. Ale noticed Finca Argentina once produced lots of coffee, but production had fallen drastically. He started paying closer attention to the farm to improve its productivity, and after some tough harvest seasons (including the worst on record), they were able to turn things around.

The Martinez family employ 50 people during the harvest and 30 the rest of the year. They contribute labour and materials to improve infrastructure in their community’s towns, and grow 25 kg of corn annually for each person. They’re also implementing more ecological management: using compost and other organic products to minimise environmental impact, and intercropping beans to enrich soil. Their work has improved the land’s biodiversity and cup quality, and the future for Finca Argentina is looking very bright!
Marzipan, milk chocolate and white grape

Altitude: 1300 masl, Process: natural
Plus 87, Single / Light, Selected Mix
Condor Decaf, Colombia Here at Hasbean, we're always on the lookout for tasty and delicious decaf. It can sometimes be a little tricky to get our hands on, but we aim to always have at least 1 decaffeinated coffee available at all times.

As crops come and go during the year, our decaf offering changes and rolls with the seasons - right now it is a washed Caturra from El Yalcon in Huila, Colombia that has been decaffeinated using sugar cane. Please note - if you sign up for a recurring subscription to this coffee, you will always be sent our current decaf offering which occasionally changes throughout the year. Fun Fact: El Yalcon decaf Colombian coffee is actually decaffeinated in Colombia, through a natural Sugar Cane process!

It may not seem remarkable, but most coffee is decaffeinated in Canada or German, increasing its environmental impact through travel. Decaffeinating coffee at origin increases its value, and its value to the country it comes from. As a result, we’ll always try to source decaf coffee that’s processed at origin.
Light syrup, peach, pineapple and chocolate

Altitude: 1700 masl, Process: sugar cane decaf
Organic Decaf, Mexico Cafeco (CAFEtaleros de la COncordia) is a 540-member cooperative founded by Jose Arguello, 3-time Cup of Excellence winner, whose award-winning farm sits in the highest mountains of La Concordia.The coop was founded to give the small-scale producers in the nearby area access to the specialty market.

Access to certified seeds at cost price ensure that the varietals grown will be able to weather the changing climate. Cafeco has a team of agronomists that advise on organic farming and management to assure quality and optimised yield. Each producer's coffee is accessed by their lab and in-house Q grader which helps them make data led decisions. Cafeco members also get support in the way of financing for crops and renovations.

Knowledge and financing often are obstacles for small-scale producers, so this initiative allows them to maintain a good livelihood.
Treacle, cake and sweet spice

Altitude: 1200 masl, Process: mountain water decaf
Finca Limoncillo 22.078, Nicaragua The story of Hasbean and Finca Limoncillo is a long and exciting one, and we don’t intend for it to stop any time soon! Limoncillo is one of several fantastic farms owned by Dr. Erwin Mierisch and his family. Having previously lived and worked in the United States, he returned to Nicaragua in the mid-1990s because coffee has always been his passion. Today we count the Mierisch family as close friends, and they’re also very well-respected producers in Nicaragua.

Known for their experimental processing, varietal work and exceptional Nicaraguan coffee, the Mierisch family employ over 3000 staff during the harvest. They pay their employees 30% more than the minimum wage, provide free food, housing, day care and healthcare facilities for families and offer free education to help staff diversify their skills. More than 60 families live on Finca Limoncillo, which is a testament to how much the Mierisch family care about the people who support them.

Finca Limoncillo is in the Matagalpa region of Nicaragua. It is 171 hectares in size, 109 used for coffee cultivation, with the remainder used to raise cattle and horses and left to natural woodland. The Mierisch family follows sustainable farming practices such as minimal use of chemicals, and exercises considerate land management to reduce their environmental impact as much as possible.
Dark chocolate, sultana and banana bread

Altitude: 1200 masl, Process: natural
Selected Mix, Single / Light
Jailbreak, Various This is Jailbreak, our red blend. It focuses on sweetness, balance, and clarity, while also being easy and super forgiving to work with. Our range of coffees here at Hasbean changes with the seasons, so throughout the year different coffees come and go. We update our blends as this happens to reflect that seasonality. The coffees in this season’s Jailbreak are: 50% Guatemala El Limon Estate Washed, 30% Peru Agua Azul Washed, 20% India Ratnagiri Estate Washed. Brown sugar, biscuit, cocoa and sultana

Process: washed
Blend / Darker, PERCENT, Selected Mix
Jailbreak, Various Los Hermanos Aguilera own and run a few different farms and the main 2 we buy from are Finca Licho and Finca Toño. The Aguilera family of 12 brothers and sisters inherited the business from their parents, who started growing coffee over 50 years ago. They manage the entire farm with the help of their third generation—the mill and drying patios, fertilising and pruning coffee trees and more. They have a reputation for their deep understanding of quality at the farm and mill level, which shows in the Costa Rican coffee they produce. It’s a big part of why we’re always excited to work with them.

We first bought from Finca Licho in 2007 when it was awarded fourth place in the Cup of Excellence, the very first year the competition ran in Costa Rica. The family used their prize money to build their micromill, which was one of the first micromills in the country and made them among the very first Costa Rican producers to process their coffee away from the big cooperatives.

Situated 1,500 metres above sea level in the region of Naranjo, the farm is located in the volcanic Northern Cordiles corridor of the Western Valley. The family produce mostly Villa Sarchi which is a local Bourbon mutation (similar to Caturra and Pacas) originally found in the Western Valley - always great to grow local plants as they probably like the area! You'll also find Bourbon, Caturra, Pacamara, Geisha, SL28, and San Roque on their farms.
Cherry yoghurt, bruised plum and sultana

Altitude: 1500 masl, Process: natural
Plus 87

Coffee Subscriptions. Enjoy

GUSTATORY (adjective): curating excellence in taste.

GUSTATORY Curation TeamFebruary 07, 2023